Ah, neat. David's repo seems more up to date.

Linux has undergone a few network subsystem and tool revelations in the intervening decade, so may be worth updating the tap executor for modern tools.

Happy to help guide on this matter on- or off-list.


On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 21:55 <remywang@cs.washington.edu> wrote:
Thanks Devon, this is helpful! I'm using 0intro's repo, and it seems to already set PLAN9TAP=ethertap for linux (link). The 9vx doc suggests `tap 9vx -r plan9 -u glenda` should work; but currently I'm missing tunctl, /sbin/ifconfig and /usr/sbin/brctl on the host. They seem to be easy to install. I'll try later and report back. 
