I tried both of 9legacy's bootstrap and that for 9front, and got success for both without any patches. Your method looks difficult to me.☺ 1) follow the method by kylejnusbaum@gmail.com 2) put 1.14.1 bootstrap files to /sys/lib/go/go-plan9-amd64-bootstrap, and go-plan9-1.15.6 to /sys/lib/go/amd64-1.15.6 (which is written by sl's FAQ) set GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/sys/lib/go/go-plan9-amd64-bootstrap, GOROOT=/sys/lib/go/amd64-1.15.6, GOPAS=$home/Go then, cd to /sys/lib/go/amd64-1.15.6, and ./make.rc By the way, I'm looking your opossum source now, which looks like very compact, because many are hidden under the $home/Go/git.hub etc... Go is beautiful to me. Kenji