You need to tell js_of_ocaml the list of cmi that you want to export.
[jsoo_listunits] can compute the list of cmi from a findlib library.
Because fac is not installed, you'll need to be explicit.
There might be some better wait to integrate with dune but the following should change should do what you want.

 (targets export.txt)
 (deps eval.bc fac/fac.cma)
 (action (run jsoo_listunits -o %{targets} stdlib fac/.fac.objs/byte/fac.cmi)))


On Sun, May 26, 2019 at 2:27 PM Kenichi Asai <> wrote:
I want to create a web page where I can execute an OCaml expression
that mentions a prebuilt user-defined library.  I find the following
example in the js_of_ocaml/toplevel repository:

Can I extend this example so that the toplevel is compiled with a
user-defined library?  The attached program contains the following
where the first three files are copied from the example in the
js_of_ocaml/toplevel repository.

toplevel/ -- dune
          -- index.html
          -- fac/ -- dune

I intend that is compiled as a library and I want to use it in
the toplevel.  I added "fac" in the libraries stanza of the toplevel
dune file (as in the attached file):

  (names eval)
  (link_flags (:standard -linkall))
  (preprocess (pps js_of_ocaml-ppx)))

Naturally, is compiled and I can use it in the, but it
is not visible from the toplevel.  I included the following part in
the index.html (as in the attached file):

<script type="text/ocaml" stdout="script3" stderr="script3">
  Fac.go 3;;
<div id="script3"> </div>

but the output says:

File "/dev/fake_stdin", line 2, characters 6-12:
Error: Unbound module Fac

Thank you in advance.

Kenichi Asai