Looks very nice, thanks! Some feedback from reading the documentation.

1. gitlab.inria.fr makes it difficult for non-INRIA people to contribute (they cannot open a pull/merge request). It is a mistake to use it for publicly-distributed software. (In theory it would be fine if you never needed outside help, if you were the perfect maintainer whose opam, dune and whatever stuff is always up-to-date. In practice no one is.)

> Instead, one should first build an ephemeral sequence through a series of ephemeral push operations,
> then convert it to a persistent sequence. This way, the construction cost is only O(n+K).
I would guess that it is O(T + K), or n has to be defined first.

3. The list of function complexities is hard to digest. Would it be possible to have, in addition or replacement, the complexity of each operation mentioned in the documentation of the operation? (This makes it easy to lookup the complexity of a given function)

4. I had never seen the trick of single-value functor parameters used as labelled arguments. It is interesting. Another approach would be to have a single Parameters module with one value for each runtime parameter. This would be syntactically lighter, and I cannot think of any downside right now. (One minor upside in general is that one can add new runtime parameters without changing the functor abstraction code / formal parameter list.)

> Furthermore, in a series of push operations, starting from an empty sequence, the amortized cost of one push operation is only O(1).
If I undestand, this sentence is in tension with the sentence mentioning a quadratic behavior up to T. Both are true, but they give
contradictory advise on how to write your code. Maybe you could recall here that one should only take advantage of this property for sequences that are expected to be much larger than T?

(In general there is little guidance in the documentation on how to set T, whereas there is a number given for K. For example, if I don't know the data size in advance, is it reasonable to use T=2? Maybe you could benchmark a good choice of T for some workload depending on the average size of your sequences (N=10^2, 10^4, 10^6), and let us know.

6. The natural mental model for snapshot_and_clear is a transfer of unique ownership (into shareable ownership). If this is the model I am using in my program, then performing any operation after the snapshot would be a programming mistake. Your _and_clear specification avoids any undefined or surprising/undocumented behavior in the case that happens, but it may still hide my programming mistake. Could there be a control-transfer version that "poisons" the ephemeral structure, so that any later operation on it raises an exception?

On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 12:12 PM François Pottier <francois.pottier@inria.fr> wrote:

Fellow OCaml users,

We are pleased to announce the first release of Sek, an OCaml library that
offers an efficient implementation of sequences.

The library offers both ephemeral (mutable) sequences and persistent
(immutable) sequences, and offers constant-time conversions between these

It supports all of the standard operations on stacks, queues, deques (e.g.
push, pop at either end), catenable sequences (concat, split), and random
access sequences (get, set).

Data is stored internally in chunks (fixed-capacity arrays),
which is why this data structure is known as a chunK SEquence.

It is intended to achieve excellent time complexity and memory usage.

This is an initial release. The library has not been tested in production,
but has received extensive unit testing, via afl-fuzz and ocaml+afl --
which are remarkably effective tools, by the way!

This is work in progress; more features, such as iterators, will be added
in the future.

To install Sek, just type

   opam update && opam install sek

Documentation is at


Feedback is welcome!

Arthur Charguéraud
François Pottier
with contributions by Émilie Guermeur

On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 12:12 PM François Pottier <francois.pottier@inria.fr> wrote:

Fellow OCaml users,

We are pleased to announce the first release of Sek, an OCaml library that
offers an efficient implementation of sequences.

The library offers both ephemeral (mutable) sequences and persistent
(immutable) sequences, and offers constant-time conversions between these

It supports all of the standard operations on stacks, queues, deques (e.g.
push, pop at either end), catenable sequences (concat, split), and random
access sequences (get, set).

Data is stored internally in chunks (fixed-capacity arrays),
which is why this data structure is known as a chunK SEquence.

It is intended to achieve excellent time complexity and memory usage.

This is an initial release. The library has not been tested in production,
but has received extensive unit testing, via afl-fuzz and ocaml+afl --
which are remarkably effective tools, by the way!

This is work in progress; more features, such as iterators, will be added
in the future.

To install Sek, just type

   opam update && opam install sek

Documentation is at


Feedback is welcome!

Arthur Charguéraud
François Pottier
with contributions by Émilie Guermeur