You can see the publication history of Chapter 4 of Théorie des Ensembles here:

If people have access to older copies they might check the 1957 and 1966 editions of the standalone ch4, and the 1970 edition of the full book. More patient people m8ght like to dig through the drafts at[0][element_id]=99&advanced[0][type]=is+exactly&advanced[0][terms]=Th%C3%A9orie+des+ensembles

Eilenberg was active in Bourbaki, don't forget, and was writing drafts on category theory. I can't recall when he ceased working with them offhand.


On Sun, 3 Mar 2024, 1:09 pm Nikita Danilov, <> wrote:
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This reminds me of a (probably trivial) question that occurred to me some time ago. N. Bourbaki's Theory of Sets has a result very similar to the general adjoint functor theorem (CST22 in Chapter IV, 3.2). This volume was printed about 4 years after Abelian Categories. Is the history behind the Bourbaki's version known?

Thank you,

On Sat, 2 Mar 2024 at 19:55, Michael Barr, Prof. <> wrote:
Peter has called my attention to the existence of some historical notes in the preface to the TAC reprint (TR-3) of Abelian categories.  In particular, he had already essentially discovered the general adjoint functor, at least for reflective subcategories) in his undergrad honors thesis, even though adjoints had not yet been defined.  The preface in the TAC reprint includes things not in any other published version of the book.

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