Dear Colleagues,

I first met Marek during CT2008 in Calais. It was the first time that I was confronted with the academic world, and Marek, with his smile and his fortuitous sympathy, reassured me a lot. Marek was very interested in Penon and Batanin's approach of higher categories. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, he wanted to understand and took photos of the blackboards which I tried to fill in as best as I could. Two years after I left Sydney, in 2015, Marek kindly invited me for a week in Warsaw to talk about my algebraic approach to (infinity,n)-categories. His welcome in Warsaw is an unforgettable memory for me! Marek wanted to better understand my work, but also Grothendieck's homotopy theory. In 2017 he produced a result in this direction (for opetopic sets). In September 2016 he came to Paris to see people from IRIF, and contacted me to talk about mathematics. On this occasion he must have spoken about me to his colleagues at IRIF, and probably thanks to his intervention I was able to obtain a 3-month postdoc. It was my one and only postdoc of my career, thanks to him! During this stay we walked around Paris together, and we talked about mathematics. I knew Makkai and Grothendieck were his heroes ! I am very sad to have learned of his death. All my condolences go to his family.
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