Okay, after reading some source code I managed to get it to work by searching for the query 'to:yoctocell@disroot.org git' and not just 'git'. But for some reason searching doesn't work with my other account, which was why I had to specify the to address in the notmuch query. I modified the `nnselec-compress-artlist' function and put a print statement in it. ;;; Helper routines. (defun nnselect-compress-artlist (artlist) "Compress ARTLIST." (let (selection) (pcase-dolist (`(,artgroup . ,arts) (nnselect-categorize artlist 'nnselect-artitem-group)) (let (list) (pcase-dolist (`(,rsv . ,articles) (nnselect-categorize arts 'nnselect-artitem-rsv 'nnselect-artitem-number)) (print articles) ; print here (push (cons rsv (gnus-compress-sequence (sort articles '<))) list)) (push (cons artgroup list) selection))) selection)) When querying for 'to:yoctocell@disroot.org' it outputs a list of arbitrary number, but for my other account it ouputs a list of nils which is why the '< function gives an error. It seems to be some misconfiguration on my end so I will see if I can fix it. Thanks for helping me debug the problem! -- yoctocell PGP fingerprint: 9DDD 8877 BC0C A9CE 5D8F 9ED6 0F9A 432E 305F DAFF