>>> "ESF" == Eric S Fraga writes: > I don't understand the issue here (or did not understand your original > post). > When I compose an email unplugged, if I don't send it (C-c C-d), it goes > in drafts; if I send it (C-c C-c), it goes in the queue. How is your > needs different from the default behaviour? My problem is that my draft folder contains some 20 messages, basically messages that are half done. But sometimes I write 2 emails one after another, but I want to send both say 2 hours later. Of course I can save them in the draft folder but since that folder contains say 20 message. I don't find this convenient. Best would be to save these messages in the queue folder since it remains me later to send these messages. Now I could unplug gnus write these messages «send» them and plugin gnus again. But I prefer to have gnus plugged in almost always, since some message might arrive in the meantime. -- I strongly condemn Hamas heinous despicable pogroms/atrocities on Israel I strongly condemn Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine. I support to deliver weapons to Ukraine's military. I support the EU and NATO membership of Ukraine.