Question regarding terminology regarding injectivity of objects:

(1) An object D is called injective over an arrow j:X->Y if the "restriction map"

    hom(Y,D) -> hom(X,D)
        g   |-> g o j

is a surjection. This is fairly standard terminology (where does it come from, by the way).

(2) I am working with the situation where the restriction map is a *split* surjection.

I thought of the terminology "D is split injective over j", but perhaps this is awkward. Is there a standard terminology for this notion. Or, failing that, a terminology that at least one person has already used in the literature or in the folklore. Or, failing that too, a good suggestion by any of you?

(Before anybody says that there is no difference assuming choice, I remark that I am interested in the "infty-category of types (in a universe)" in HoTT/UF, where the homs are infty-groupoids and so the section has to be a morphism, not just a theoretical function.)


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