Congratulations, that's really great!

And indeed, this is going to be very useful in general: for instance, together with Tom de Jong and Egbert Rijke, we used your work as an input to give a short constructive proof of the non-triviality of the Higman group. I'll talk about this in Vienna on Sunday.

Best wishes,

On Friday, April 21, 2023 at 12:04:20 PM UTC+2 wrote:
Dear all,

I'm happy to announce a solution to one of the oldest open problems in
synthetic homotopy theory: the free higher group on a set is a set.

The proof proceeds by describing path types of pushouts as sequential
colimits of pushouts, much like the James construction. This description
should be useful also in many other applications. For example it gives a
straightforward proof of Blakers-Massey.

Best wishes,

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