Kevin, I would like to second Michael's interest in seeing these 20
commutative diagrams. Moreover, I'd also be very interested in seeing
your "spaghetti code" (quote from the slides of your Big Proof talk): it
seems it should be informative to see where your initial approach went
wrong, and how much these problems and their solution had anything to do
at all with the formal system you were working in. Are your original
files perhaps available somewhere?

Sorry for the delay.

My original repo with a "bad" theorem is here:

The bad theorem is this:

The problem is that the rings denoted R_{f_i} (localisations of rings) are typically defined to mathematicians as "this explicit construction here" as opposed to "the unique up to unique isomorphism ring having some explicit property" and, as a mathematician, I formalised (or more precisely got Imperial College maths undergraduates Chris Hughes and Kenny Lau to formalise) the explicit construction of the localisation and then the explicit theorem as stated in the stacks project, not understanding at the time that this would lead to trouble. When I came to apply it, I ran into the issue that on this page

we have the quote: "If f, g in R are such that D(f)=D(g), then by Lemma 26.5.1 there are canonical maps M_f->M_g and M_g->M_f which are mutually inverse. Hence [we can regard M_f and M_g as equal]".

This is a typical mathematician's usage of the word "canonical" -- it means "I give you my mathematician's guarantee that I will never do anything to M_f which won't work in exactly the same way as M_g so you can replace one by the other and I won't mind".

As I explained earlier, by the time I noticed this subtlety it was too late, and this led to this horrorshow:

plus the lines following, all of which is applied here

. That last link is justifying a whole bunch of rewrites along canonical isomorphisms. These were the general lemmas I needed to prove that if A -> B was a map, and if A was canonically isomorphic to A' and if B was canonically isomorphic to B' and A' -> B' was the corresponding map, then the image of A was canonically isomorphic to the image of A' etc, all in some very specific situation where "canonically isomorphic" was typically replaced by "unique isomorphism satisfying this list of properties". Note that this is crappy old code written by me when I had no idea what I was doing. One very interesting twist was this: the universal property of localisation for the localised ring R_f is a statement which says that under certain circumstances there is a unique ring homomorphism from R_f; however in the map beta in the statement of the lemma is *not* a ring homomorphism and so a naive application the universal property was actually *not enough*! One has to reformulate the lemma in terms of equalisers of ring homomorphisms and remove mention of beta. None of this is mentioned in the stacks project website because we are covered by the fact that everything is "canonical" so it's all bound to work -- and actually this is *true* -- we are very good at using this black magic word.

All of this is fixed in Ramon Mir's MSc project

and the explanations of how it was fixed are in his write-up here

Briefly, one crucial input was that the localisation map R -> R_f could be characterised up to unique isomorphism in the category of R-algebras by something far more concrete than the universal property, and Ramon used this instead.

In HoTT one might naively say that these problems would not arise because isomorphic things are equal. However my *current* opinion is that it is not as easy as this, because I believe that the correct "axiom" is that "canonically" isomorphic objects are equal and that the HoTT axiom is too strong. I developed some rather primitive tools to rewrite certain statements along certain kinds of isomorphisms with some naturality properties, and mathematicians would be happy with these ideas. I can quite believe that if you stick to homotopy types with the model in your mind as being topological spaces up to homotopy then the HoTT axiom is perfect. However there are things other than topological spaces in mathematics, for example commutative rings, and in my mind the HoTT axiom just looks weird and wrong in ring theory, and I expect it to backfire when HoTT people start doing some serious ring theory. I might be wrong. Part of me hopes I'm wrong, in fact. But this will remain my opinion until someone comes along and formalises the definition of a scheme in one of the HoTT theories and proves the "theorem" that an affine scheme is a scheme (I write "theorem" in quotes because it is a construction, not a theorem). I had the pleasure of meeting Thorsten Altenkirch earlier this week and I asked him why this had not been done yet, and he told me that they were just waiting for the right person to come along and do it. A year or so ago I was of the opinion that more mathematicians should be using Lean but now I have come to the conclusion that actually more mathematicians should be engaging with *all* of the theorem provers, so we can find out which provers are the most appropriate for which areas. By "mathematicians" here I really mean my ugly phrase "proper mathematicians", i.e. people doing algebra/number theory/geometry/topology etc, people who have absolutely no idea what a type is and would even struggle to list the axioms of set theory. These people with their "canonical" constructions (a phrase which has no meaning) are the problem, and they're very hard to reach because currently these systems offer them nothing they need. I wrote a silly game

to help my 1st years revise for my exam (and the game takes things much further than the contents of the course), and I'm writing a real number game too, to help my 1st years revise analysis for their January exam. It would not be hard to write analogous such games in one of the HoTT theories, I would imagine.

From what I have seen, it seems to me that Isabelle is a fabulous tool for classical analysis, Coq is great for finite group theory, the Kepler conjecture is proved in other HOL systems, and the HoTT systems are great for the theory of topological spaces up to homotopy. But number theory has been around for millennia and unfortunately uses analysis, group theory and topological spaces, and I want one system which can do all of them. I think that we can only find out the limitations of these systems by doing a whole bunch of "proper mathematics" in all of them. I think it's appalling that none of them can even *state* the Hodge conjecture, for example. For me, that is a very simple reason for a "proper mathematician" to immediately reject all of them in 2019. But I digress.




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