I just pushed a series of changes in preparation for upstreaming mallocng. Before it's actually imported, it can be tested by performing the following simple 4 steps: 1. mkdir src/malloc/mallocng 2. echo "MALLOC_DIR = mallocng" >> config.mak 3. Dropping the attached files into src/malloc/mallocng 4. Symlinking or copying meta.h, malloc.c, realloc.c, free.c, malloc_usable_size.c, and aligned_alloc.c from mallocng source dir to src/malloc/mallocng. (You can also include dump.c if desired.) This produces a near-fully-integrated malloc, including support for reclaim_gaps donation from ldso. The only functionality missing, which I expect to flesh out before actual import, is handling of the case of incomplete malloc replacement by interposition (__malloc_replaced!=0). Please report any problems encountered. Rich