On 26/12/2019 20:49, exitworld@tutanota.com wrote: > > I believe the paths to utmp and wtmp are defined wrong in utmp.h. Right > now they are defined in dev/null, when they should be /var/run/utmp and > /var/log/wtmp. Please see man utmp(5) and the FHS 5.10.2 and 5.13.2 > > you can respond if you'd like > > thank you, > justin Hi there Justin, musl does not implement the utmp/wtmp family of functions itself[1]; it only provides stubs so that software that uses them can build (but those functions requiring utmp/wtmp will not work). For full operation with the utmp(x) functions, you will need to use something like skarnet's utmps[2], which implements these functions in a secure manner. Right now, there are only two distributions which offer utmps: Adélie and NixOS. I am not sure how well-integrated utmps is in to NixOS, but at Adélie we have fully integrated it and all packages that utilise the utmp functions work fully as intended. I hope this helps. Best, --arw [1]: https://wiki.musl-libc.org/faq.html#Q:-Why-is-the-utmp/wtmp-functionality-only-implemented-as-stubs? (though we at Adélie, obviously, disagree with the rationale) [2]: https://skarnet.org/software/utmps/ -- A. Wilcox (awilfox) Project Lead, Adélie Linux https://www.adelielinux.org