I did extensive password checking in 112 at one point. I saved almost none Of the original passed files, but I do have /etc/passwd from: arachne caspian cl44 fiji mhmips ore ruble tempo-hadrian banc cd cl45 irisa mht40-3 peso sidewise vector bill cdrom coorong irisb mht40-3-mhbb quark subtillion yankee bloom celerity deneb jazz mhuxw rgbvax sun1c zeno bruce chaos dixie lucian none rial sunshine This list includes 1033 different user names. Most do not have the pw field: bruce:jpl:2v/xj5FQ.kqVY:4129:4129:John P. Linderman,MH 3D-435,6427 (gc,exp.6/1990):/tmp:/bin/ksh tempo-hadrian:jpl:BQl9MmYhh.8oE:358:358:John P. Linderman:/usr/jpl:/bin/ksh tempo-hadrian:jpl:sorry:358:358:John P. Linderman,3D-435,6427,4641129,11384:/usr/jpl:/bin/true vector:jpl:2v/xj5FQ.kqVY:4129:4129:John P. Linderman,(gc)3D-435,6427,4641129:/tmp:/bin/ksh Here’s one hash from a famous person. I believe GPUs can now test over 8 billion tries in a second. s6BGoOQ8LfLYo