On Mon, 15 Jun 2020 at 17:37, Rob Pike <robpike@gmail.com> wrote:
I had forgotten about that tool, along with many others. "Comp" sounds plausible but as I said, I forget. (Not a sign of age; my memory for details is no match for Clem's; to me stage actors are superheroes).

Remembering the blocking and the actor's names for a play you saw thirty years ago would be an impressive feat, but I would argue that it is much more beneficial in the long run to remember the basic plot and the message that the production was attempting to convey.
> This history stuff is fun because of the reminder of a time when tools were simple and you could create a whole new one in an afternoon.

Indeed, that's a nearly impossible task now.  We have transitioned to a world where you can say, "here's my sketch for a program that I think would be useful," and that sketch is either a basic chapter outline or you've only finished writing chapter one.  You put it up on Github, try to give it a little publicity, and hope that others can share your vision or at least provide constructive criticism.
