On Thu, Nov 21, 2019, 12:34 PM Charles H Sauer <sauer@technologists.com> wrote:

On 11/21/2019 7:07 AM, Brad Spencer wrote:

> ... I remember it being
> pretty stock 4.3BSD with NFS and minus YP/NIS. 

I'm puzzled about the "minus YP/NIS". I negotiated the IBM NFS license
on behalf of AIX, but was inclusive of the rest of the company, so I
think ACIS put NFS into AOS under the auspices of that license. I
remember discussing with the Palo Alto ACIS folks at the time.

I only had AOS at home, without Ethernet, so wouldn't have tried to use
NFS or YP. But I would have thought that ACIS would have included YP.

AOS definitely had NIS/YP. I remember it quite distinctly.

        - Dan C.