On Thu, Mar 7, 2024 at 1:57 AM Jeffry R. Abramson <jeffryrabramson@gmail.com> wrote:
...Thinking of looking for something
simpler and was just wondering what do other old timers use for their
primary home computing needs?


Jeff and all,

We started with FreeBSD in 1992 soon after getting married.  My wife is a computer scientist (I'm EE) and we loaded 3.5" diskette after diskette and then she worked on finding a graphics card driver. :-)  In more recent times we ran gentoo but that was ordeal to keep up to date.  Like a water cooled VW, tinkering is almost a daily requirement.  In recent years we use Ubuntu distribution and enjoy it.  My wife likes the ease of maintenance and as an RF engr I enjoy the ease of acquiring tools, including compilers.  Thanks, Clem, for pointing me to ifort a year or two ago!  (1968 F-IV RF propagation code revived at https://udel.edu/~mm/itm/ in the retro computing section.)

I also use Raspberry Pi 3's in PiDP 8/I (https://udel.edu/~mm/pidp8i/) and 11/70.  I wonder how long till a R-Pi is enough for a work station...

Mike Markowski