On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 7:21 AM Lars Brinkhoff wrote: > Thomas Paulsen wrote: > > 'T'was before my time, but the legend has it that the original BLISS-10 > > bootstrap compiler was a set of TECO macros that Chuck Geschke (Adobe's > > founder) wrote.' > > > > Really? TECO = Tape Editor and Corrector > > Why not? TECO is both an editor and a programming language. The first > Emacs was written in TECO. > Pi calculated with teco: http://www.iwriteiam.nl/HaPi_TECO_macro.html This impresses me, partly because it looks like someone fell asleep on a keyboard. Running it just now: qsb$ tecoc mung pi.tec,30 314159265358979323846264338327 Mike Markowski