I know of Plauger as a Kernighan co-author, so I did a search on AbeBooks and found - a lot of science fiction!  Must investigate.

On Thu, Mar 7, 2024 at 3:27 PM Luther Johnson <luther.johnson@makerlisp.com> wrote:
Oops, misspelled Mr. Plauger's name, pardon me, that's "P.J. Plauger".

On 03/07/2024 04:24 PM, Luther Johnson wrote:
> I don't have any personal tales, but I remember that P.J. Plaugher's
> company, "Whitesmiths", C compiler was an early, and influential,
> non-AT&T C compiler.
> On 03/07/2024 04:14 PM, Tom Lyon wrote:
>> For no good reason, I've been wondering about the early history of C
>> compilers that were not derived from Ritchie, Johnson, and Snyder at
>> Bell.  Especially for x86. Anyone have tales?
>> Were any of those compilers ever used to port UNIX?