New comment by svenper on void-packages repository Comment: Thought I might offer a progress update. Since TeX Live started offering musl binaries and maintaining several poppler versions, fewer issues sneak through, which is encouraging! At this point in time on musl, my templates [in a texlive branch @7820d75]( can build every single package offered with TeX Live, using all of the main system shared libraries, including gs and gd. Only dvisvgm uses some explicit libraries in addition to those that appear to be modified from their external sources. It should be simple to replace texlive2019-bin with texlive2019-exec-scheme-full and texlive2019-tlmgr. To keep up with all the xbps-src template symlinks you can use a hack like: ```sh cd /tmp/void-packages # or wherever YEAR=2019 for subpkg in $(cat srcpkgs/texlive${YEAR}-exec/template | grep -Ev '^#' | grep -E _package | sed -E 's/(texlive'${YEAR}'-exec-.*)_package\(\).*/\1/g'); do (cd srcpkgs && ln -fns texlive${YEAR}-exec ${subpkg}) done ``` Considering whether I should start a pull request for suggestions. ### EDIT for future reference: * [`b6b81cb`]( just before dvisvgm starts doing even weirder stuff with libraries (also includes 2018) * [`873ed63`]( tags/texlive-2019.4