New comment by st3r4g on void-packages repository Comment: Can reproduce, `glfw-devel` is pulling `libglvnd-devel` which for some reason is trying to replace `nvidia340-libs` with `libglvnd`. Instead, you should be able to have `libglvnd-devel` and `nvidia340-libs` installed. Trying to install `nvidia340` and `libglvnd-devel` in the same transaction seems to succeed... I did this: ``` xbps-remove nvidia340 xbps-install libglvnd xbps-install nvidia340 libglvnd-devel ``` Now you should be able to install things that depend on `libglvnd-devel`, such as `glfw-devel`. I suspect this is a bug in the virtualpkg mechanism... Please add 'when nvidia340 is installed' to the issue title.