New comment by fosslinux on void-packages repository Comment: CVEs are an interesting thing, and actually a point I brought up much earlier, I think on IRC, when I wasn't convinced of moving back to OpenSSL. Basically, OpenSSL is a far more audited codebase and receives more auditing attention than LibreSSL. I don't see linters/static analysis code checking tools, alone, as evidence of poor coding practices. An OpenSSL dev said in one of those threads that many are false positives. In addition, each of the articles you linked above (excluding the recent vuln, which was discussed earlier in this thread) are 3+ years old. Again, I am of the opinion that the code quality has improved in that time. Anyway, I don't think I'll go back and forth, let others lay down their opinions on your data if they would like. Thanks for the threads, btw, interesting reads, which do reinforce Void's position for originally changing to LibreSSL... at the time.