There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository vault: update to 1.6.1 Description: @the-maldridge * Here are [the minor-version changes]( * For consistency's sake I matched `_git_commit` to `v1.6.1`'s hash. Sanity check: ``` $ ./xbps-src pkg vault <...> $ xi vault <...> $ vault version Vault v1.6.1 (6d2db3f033e02e70202bef9ec896360062b88b03) (cgo) $ vault server -dev &> /dev/null & [1] 9125 $ export VAULT_ADDR='' $ vault secrets enable -path=kv kv Success! Enabled the kv secrets engine at: kv/ $ vault kv put kv/foo foo=bar Success! Data written to: kv/foo $ vault kv get kv/foo === Data === Key Value --- ----- foo bar ``` Lemme know if there're any more tests you'd like me to run.