New comment by endigma on void-packages repository Comment: > > Actually... I looking at [9b3c344]( again, it seems that docker was just renamed to docker-cli, and that it doesn't actually have any other docker- package... why was it split? > > I meanĀ³: I understand there might be a benefit to splitting **moby** out of **docker**, but why rename **docker** to **docker-cli** instead of just adding **moby** as a dependency to **docker**? Is it even possible to use **docker-cli** without **moby**? The `docker` package isn't a rename of docker-cli, it's a effectively a metapackage that pulls in `docker-cli`, `moby`, `tini`. This was done because these tools are not codependent, moby can function without docker-cli as docker-cli can function without moby.