New comment by lonwillett on void-packages repository Comment: > What is the output of `xbps-query -Rs xorg-fonts`? [*] xorg-fonts-7.6_5 Modular Xorg Fonts > Hasn't this been an issue for a long while? It's new with ff 89 for me. Where I've looked, it seems like some of the fonts from font-adobe-* don't work; and probably others. > (If you remove xorg-fonts and all of it's dependencies, the issue should go away.) > > This section was added to the void handbook specifically because of this issue: > That does seem to work; i.e. disabling bitmap fonts with fontconfig; i.e. enabling the 70-no-bitmaps.conf for fontconfig. Although it seems like a bit of a heavy-handed kludge. (Or it should be the default configuration).