> Is there a trick to installing 5.8, I downloaded the tarball, decompressed it, then did a ./configure and a make followed by “make install” Hi Frank! I'm guessing that zsh 5.7.1 is located at /bin/zsh and 5.8 is located at /usr/local/bin/zsh. If you want to use 5.8 as your login shell, there are two things you need to do. First, you **must** add /usr/local/bin/zsh to /etc/shells You can do this by typing: sudo pico /etc/shells and then pasting the line in, and then saving the file (control+X and then control+Y) Second, use `chsh -s` to change your login shell by entering this in Terminal: chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh You will be prompted to enter your Mac's login password. (Note: on the Mac, you can also: 1. go to System Preferences > Users & Groups 2. Click on the 'lock' icon and enter your password 3. Control+Click (or right click) on your user in the left-hand column 4. Select "Advanced Options" which will appear when you do so From there you can change your login shell. Obviously `chsh -s` is a bit easier, but it's good to know your options. ## There is another option If you don't want to deal with any of that, there is another way. You can tell Terminal.app to use a different shell than your login shell. Open Terminal's preferences, go to "General" and then "Shells open with" and you can change it to /usr/local/bin/zsh Screenshot might make it more clear: https://i.luo.ma/ss/terminal-app-use-different-shell.png I hope this helps! ~ Tj