Dear developers, with "setopt GLOB_SUBST" the widget edit-command-line just prints an error and exits on my systems. Adding "noglob" to the function fixes it. Tested environment: Debian stretch with zsh 5.3.1 (x86_64-debian-linux-gnu) Terminals: * Konsole 16.12.0 (TERM=xterm-256color) * XTerm(327) (TERM=xterm) With both terminals the value of zle_bracketed_paste was ( $'\e[?2004h' $'\e[?2004l' ) Steps to reproduce: # env -i TERM=$TERM zsh -f # setopt glob_subst # autoload -U edit-command-line # edit-command-line (anon):6: bad pattern: ^[[?2004l Proposed fix is attached. Feel free to ask me for additional information. Regards Karsten