FYI. Usually I get 53 passed tests, but occasionally (~ once / month), I get 52 passes and one failure. I cannot boost the verbosity because the race condition is not repeatable. Here is the failure; when I re-ran the tests, I got 53 passes. Test ../../../src/zsh-2019-12-01/Test/C02cond.ztst failed: bad status 1, expected 0 from: if [[ ${mtab::="$({mount || /sbin/mount || /usr/sbin/mount} 2>/dev/null)"} = *[(]?*[)] ]]; then print -u $ZTST_fd 'This test takes two seconds...' else unmodified_ls="$(ls -lu $unmodified)" print -u $ZTST_fd 'This test takes up to 60 seconds...' fi sleep 2 touch $newnewnew if [[ $OSTYPE == "cygwin" ]]; then ZTST_skip="[[ -N file ]] not supported on Cygwin" elif (( isnfs )); then ZTST_skip="[[ -N file ]] not supported with NFS" elif { (( ! $+unmodified_ls )) && cat $unmodified && { df -k -- ${$(print -r -- "$mtab" | awk '/noatime/ {print $1,$3}'):-""} | tr -s ' ' | fgrep -- "$(df -k . | tail -1 | tr -s ' ')" } >&/dev/null } || { (( $+unmodified_ls )) && SECONDS=0 && ! until (( SECONDS >= 58 )); do ZTST_hashmark; sleep 2; cat $unmodified [[ $unmodified_ls != "$(ls -lu $unmodified)" ]] && break done }; then ZTST_skip="[[ -N file ]] not supported with noatime file system" else [[ -N $newnewnew && ! -N $unmodified ]] fi Was testing: -N cond ../../../src/zsh-2019-12-01/Test/C02cond.ztst: test failed. The following may (or may not) help identifying the cause: This test can fail on NFS-mounted filesystems as the access and modification times are not updated separately. The test will fail on HFS+ (Apple Mac OS X default) filesystems because access times are not recorded. Also, Linux ext3 filesystems may be mounted with the noatime option which does not update access times. Failures in these cases do not indicate a problem in the shell. ../../../src/zsh-2019-12-01/Test/C03traps.ztst: starting. This test takes at least three seconds... This test, too, takes at least three seconds... Another test that takes three seconds ../../../src/zsh-2019-12-01/Test/C03traps.ztst: all tests successful. - Vin