Hi, My apologies if this isn't the right place for this. Here's some terminal output to show the issue I'm running into. ```zsh ~/Desktop/Development ➜ cd ... # Showing that the "..." alias works to like "cd ../.." ~ ➜ cd Desktop/Development # Just resetting the working dir ~/Desktop/Development ➜ cd .../Desktop # Showing that the alias breaks when any other modifications are made to the path :( cd: no such file or directory: .../Desktop ~/Desktop/Development ➜ cd ../../Desktop # Showing that the path I tried to cd to is valid ~/Desktop ➜ # Path is valid ➜ zsh --version zsh 5.7 (x86_64-apple-darwin18.2.0) ``` The same behavior can be observed with the .... and ..... aliases. I recently upgraded to zsh 5.7.2 from 5.6.2, but I'm not sure if this is related to that. It's very possible this is a configuration error. Does anyone have any suggestions with regard to how to debug this? I looked through my .zshrc and .zprofile files and everything seems to be in order. I don't have a great understanding of zsh internals and am a bit lost. Any help would be appreciated. Best, Aaron Lichtman