Alright folks: the application is nearly done and is looking good, I've refreshed the GSoC pages on our wiki a bit (and am continuing to do so), and created the 2014 ideas page. I'm going to go through recent 9fans traffic and add a few items that've been discussed here, but this is where we need your help. Take a look here: Please, as soon as possible, go through and add ideas to this page. The most useful additions are ones you're willing to mentor (provided we get a good application for it). Provide a paragraph or so describing the task, and your best guess at a difficulty rating. Ideally, it would be great if you could link to more in-depth information on the project: a wiki page with more information, a 9fans post with details, or a relevant code repository. Generally, try to match the form of what's there already (I'll be keeping an eye on it, too). Assuming everything else looks reasonable, the ideas page is the most important part of evaluating potential mentor organizations. We've always gotten good feedback on ours in the past, but the program gets more competitive each year. If you need help editing the Wiki, let me know. The shortest instructions are, from within Plan 9 and (I think?) Inferno, execute "Local 9fs wiki" within Acme, then "Wiki". You can skip to the ideas page by typing "gsoc-2014-ideas" in the tag and right-clicking. Make your edits and execute Put when done. I'm in #plan9 and #plan9-gsoc on if you need help. Anthony