Oops. The list still had the conference dates in. Revised list attached. Cheers, Dave. On Tue, 2004-02-10 at 14:32, Dave Lukes wrote: > > i was thinking i might be able to arrange a w/e down > > in london if this was going to happen... but i couldn't > > if it was that weekend. > > A suggestion: > why don't people tell me when they _can_ attend lon9con, > rather than when they _can't_? > > If we arbitrarily say sometime between say, start of March, > (to allow time for people to get organised), > and end of June, to get a cutoff date. > > May I suggest that we also forget any of the following dates: > 8th May, because of Usenix VM, > 27th March because of PyCon > 5th June because of EuroPython. > > If anyone has any other dates that _generally_ seem a Bad Idea, > please email me! > > I've attached a list of dates of possible Saturdays > with the above constraints. > If everyone who wants to come emails me back the attachment > after deleting the Saturdays that they _can't_ attend > (i.e. I want lists of when you _can_ come) > preserving the format so I can count them easily. > > Send it to _me_ (davel@anvil.com) with a subject of > "lon9con possible dates". > > I will then chose randomly among the most popular date(s). > > Cheers, > Dave. >