Thanks for the tool. I managed to get it working on plan9front/386 Go 1.8 beta1 with a network connection. I will probably try it soon on plan9/arm. Initially, it did not compile. Here are the quick fixes that I needed to make. 1) There is no syscall.Stat_t on plan9, instead the stat.Sys() returns a syscall.Dir index.go:AddFile(): I changed stat to be fstat.Sys().(*syscall.Dir) csec = stat.Mtime (This is how APE maps ctimes) cnano = uint64(0) (There does not seem to be any nanosecond precision on mtimes in plan9) uint32(stat.Qid.Path) (Roughly equivalent to inode numbers) uint32(0) (GID’s are strings in plan9) uint32(0) (UID’s are strings) I assume that you want the library to be platform neutral so these should probably be abstracted. 2) Compile error sha1.go:GetTree() Sha1FromString(commit.Tree.Id.String()) The tests seem to be passing. I will try more rigorous tests. If the github bug gets fixed then I can submit pull requests. Cheers, Chris > On Dec 3, 2016, at 2:20 PM, Dave MacFarlane wrote: > > I mentioned in another thread that I had started working on a pure go > git client a while ago, then abandoned it, which gave me an itch to > pick it up again. I've finally implemented enough that it can > bootstrap its own development, and theoretically be used on Plan 9, > but then I realized I don't currently have any machines with all of > Plan 9, Go, and a network connection to test it on. > > Would someone who has all of the above kindly try compiling it on Plan > 9 and let me know if there's any problems? It's at >'ll need the 9legacy git rc hack > for Go to bootstrap it.. > > You should be able to: > go-git init > go-git clone* > go-git fetch* > go-git add file (from the root of the working directory only) > go-git checkout file (same) > go-git commit -m 'message' > go-git status > go-git merge (fast-forward only) > go-git push works over https to GitLab, but not GitHub (GitHub > responds with "200 OK" and no body but doesn't update the references, > so I opened a ticket to see if I can get more information from them > about why it doesn't work.. you also need to run as "go-git push > localbranchname", which isn't the standard git command line.. ) > > The happy paths for a few other git plumbing commands are implemented. > > The code's not very well written (I didn't know much about git > internals or Go when I started, and mostly just wanted to hack > something together that works at first), but if anyone wants to > contribute, you can try to email me a patch using ape/diff in some > kind of format that I can apply under DragonFlyBSD and commit under > your name until whatever the issue with GitHub is is resolved.. > > * large repositories will likely crash because the Go zlib > implementation is greedy on the underlying io.Reader, and the hack > that I added to rewind to the end of the last compressed block when > reading packfiles isn't 100% accurate. > > - Dave >