lp is the most horrible shell script imaginable. The line for your printer in /sys/lib/lp/devices is supposed to help match the output of troff to the input your printer expects. There are people out there who know how to do this. I've long given up. I just generate postscript/pdf (below's the relevant piece of the mkfile) and print that. %.ps:DQ: %.ms eval `{doctype $home/lib/macros.ms $stem.ms} | \ lp -m.9 -dstdout >$target %.ps:DQ: %.man eval `{doctype $home/lib/macros.ms $stem.man} | \ lp -m.9 -dstdout >$target %.pdf:DQ: %.ps cat /sys/doc/docfonts $stem.ps >_$stem.ps ps2pdf _$stem.ps $stem.pdf && rm -f _$stem.ps # Useful in acme: mk document.show %.show:VQ: %.ps page -w $stem.ps %.ps:D: %.jpg jpg -t -9 $stem.jpg | lp -dstdout >$target