Whereis wiki ???? :)

2008/12/9 erik quanstrom <quanstro@quanstro.net>
> Ok, I use gmail so my imap is: *imap.gmail.com*, and my smtp is: *
> smtp.gmail.com* .
> Can somebody tell me the exact commands to get mail on plan 9

to read mail, it would be

       upas/fs -f /imaps/imap.gmal.com/$gmailuser

you send mail, you want to modify the last line of /mail/lib/remotemail
to be something like

       exec /bin/upas/smtp -sa -u $gmailuser -h $fd tcp!smtp.gmail.com!smtp $sender $*

i'm guessing that you'll need tls (-s) and authentication (-a).
you'll need to arrange that the factotum smtp sees running from cron
has the right keys to authenticate to gmail's smtpd.

- erik

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