Well, I made a mistake. Holiday time and I just took my 9front x230 with me, thinking it will be enough to learn C the hard way. With man pages and sources. I was wrong :/ nsurf is cool, but kind of slow and I'm stuck with my very first program. A very ridiculous chess UI (in text mode) I intend to develop to play with my daughters on an SSH connection on the same user space. Don't mind the chess context. I just want to move chars in a double array and print the array. I made what I thought a logic approach but it works only with the first move. I know it's not the place to ask this kind of help, because, obviously it won't help 9front or the community in any way and it's just a personal problem due to the fact that I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed and that asking questions about C when it's not ANSI makes people turn crazy. But maybe someone is bored and have some time to debug this very short program :) (Suppr or Del to quit). Here we go (and thanks for reading) : ************************************************************************* #include #include #include /* define the rows of the chessboard */ char chess[8][10] =         {"8 RCBQKBCR", "7 bbbbbbbb", "6 ........", "5 ........",         "4 ........", "3 ........", "2 wwwwwwww", "1 rcfqkfcr"}; /* print the chessboard */ void printboard(void) {         for(int n=0; n<8; n++) {                 for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {                 print(" %c", chess[n][i]);                 }                 print("\n");         }         print("\n"); } /* array for the move coordinates */ int coord[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; int player = 1; /* get the move coordinates from the player */ /* exceptions will be treated later */ void coordinates(void) {         if (player == 1) {                 player = 2;                 print("Whites Enter Coordinates: "); }         else {                 player = 1;                 print("Blacks Enter Coordinates: "); }         for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {                 char x = getchar();                 if ((x >= 'A' && x <= 'H') || (x >= 'a' && x <= 'h'))                         switch (x) {                                 case 'a': coord[i] = 2; break;                                 case 'b': coord[i] = 3; break;                                 case 'c': coord[i] = 4; break;                                 case 'd': coord[i] = 5; break;                                 case 'e': coord[i] = 6; break;                                 case 'f': coord[i] = 7; break;                                 case 'g': coord[i] = 8; break;                                 case 'h': coord[i] = 9; break;                                 }                 else if (x >= '1' && x <= '8')                         switch (x) {                                 case '1': coord[i] = 7; break;                                 case '2': coord[i] = 6; break;                                 case '3': coord[i] = 5; break;                                 case '4': coord[i] = 4; break;                                 case '5': coord[i] = 3; break;                                 case '6': coord[i] = 2; break;                                 case '7': coord[i] = 1; break;                                 case '8': coord[i] = 0; break;                                 }         } } /* ************************************************************* */ void main() {         print("\n");         printboard();         while(1) {                 coordinates();                /* 0-1 and 2-3 inverted because rows before columns */                 char last = chess[coord[1]][coord[0]];                 chess[coord[1]][coord[0]] = '.';  /* moved pieces make the case empty, so '.' */                 chess[coord[3]][coord[2]] = last;                 print("\n%c\n", last);                    /* just to check last */                 print("\n");                 printboard();         }         exits(0); } ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/Tcb666367f7ec3af5-M5a95ba86fc8531e7668aa924 Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription