I updated http://pkeus.de/~wb/mventi, adding a file mventi.c which is venti.c + parts of index.c (to avoid linking the real index.o).

I have some performance data now.

I had to add a 4th arenapartition, which sealed the old partitions, so readonly acces is sufficient for them,.
I served the partitions on the original venti system via nfs.

On my AMD A10 workstation (32MB, 4 cores)  it took  12min real time to vcat a 50GB ffs partiition to /dev/null.
On the WD Mycloud system ( on which the arena partitions are local, ithe same task took 33min.

time vcat ffs:ef6c183eabb7caafed7f85a3447a12accfbbeb8b > /dev/null
1540096 blocks total
1214607 blocks in use, 2754705 file reads

real 12m11,573s
user 2m33,463s
sys 0m34,604s

original venti:
ime vcat ffs:ef6c183eabb7caafed7f85a3447a12accfbbeb8b > /dev/null
1540096 blocks total
1214607 blocks in use, 2754705 file reads
504.283u 94.546s 2000.095r vcat ffs:ef6c183eabb7caafed7f85a3447a12accfbbeb8b

I should add the remark, that I  was quite content with the performance of  the same  file served as a dump file system