From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1993 17:52:49 -0400 From: Subject: libXg and caps lock on Sun type V keyboard under openwindows Topicbox-Message-UUID: fcb7367c-eac7-11e9-9e20-41e7f4b1d025 Message-ID: <19930721215249.Eb1EGyQPfkFlAcroovtPfouuoNmUTznXNQXjWpjrDeA@z> >>From Wed Jul 21 13:47:07 0400 1993 [I said] >| As far as I'm concerned this is only a minor irritant -- Caps Lock is >| pointless anyway in these days of OPERATING SYSTEMS THAT DON'T REQUIRE >| YOU TO SHOUT -- but I wondered if anyone else had noticed this bug-ette >| and/or had a fix for it? >It doesn't show up here, running MIT X11. I tried re-linking against MIT X11R4 libraries rather than the Openwindows ones, with the same result. I guess it's an Openwindows 2 server ``feature''. Sigh. >In terms of shouting, if you use MODULA-3, encrusted as it is with >upper case keywords, caps-lock is about the only alternative (and a >poor one at that) to a context sensitive editor like emacs. Hmmm.... I think if I was using sam to edit a language which required upper case I'd knock together some sort of filter to do the capitalisation and pipe the file through it before a write... that's what the '|' command is there for! Couple of extra keystrokes perhaps (maybe only one if you're using the keyboard extensions to sam) and it avoids the dreaded emacs... pete -- Peter Fenelon - Research Associate - High Integrity Systems Engineering Group, Dept. of Computer Science, University of York, York, Y01 5DD +44 (0)904 433388 EMAIL: `There's no room for enigmas in built-up areas'