From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 11:35:03 -0400 From: J. C. Bagley Subject: NVR config woes Topicbox-Message-UUID: 2d602e1e-eac8-11e9-9e20-41e7f4b1d025 Message-ID: <19951012153503.SO2TAVFTyi9TwoWE0-ZMXRoui3fud_Rv07UPRE15jRE@z> I'm having some problems getting my plan9 machine hooked up to the network. I have successfully completed installation 2 (Install CD-ROM to local drive). I am now trying to complete installation 3a (Make a PC file server boot disk), but I can never seem to get beyond the "config:" Q&A successfully. In other words, my "system crashes horribly" right after I type 'end' at the config: prompt. Here's what I mean by "system crashes horribly:" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ config: service cdpc01 config: ip config: ipgw config: ipmask config: config w1 config: filsys main w1 config: ream main config: end sysinit config w1 devinit D6.0.1.0 drive D6.0.1.0 not ready wreniocmd: no drive - a=D6.0.1.0 b=0 wrenread: D6.0.1.0(0) bad status 0040 stack trace of 1 (bunch of hex numbers here) panic: config io cpu 0 exiting Hit Reset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See what I mean! A stack dump...not pretty. (please note that I have added a breakdown of my machine and added the contents of the plan9.ini file to the end of this e-mail message for reference.) Per installation 3a instructions, I make the boot diskette and boot from that diskette. The diskette gives: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (white) Booting... Plan9 from Bell labs (clear screen) (green) found 9PCFS: attr 0x20 start 0x7a len 325461 .+199953.........................+30032.. (clear screen) scsi0: aha1542: port 330: Failed to INIT controller iobufinit 5299 buffers: 673 hashes mem left = 2797567 out of = 33554432 nvr read found plan9.nvr attr 0x20 start 0x2f6 len 17 ** NVR key checksum is incorrect ** ** set password to allow attaches ** ** NVR config checksum is incorrect ** config: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please note the "Failed to INIT controller" message. After noting that my SCSI adapter is SCSI ID# 7, I re-made the boot disk and changed scsi0= to scsi7= in plan9.ini. This time I get the exact same messages above minus the "Failed to INIT controller" line. This seems a little better, but that doesn't change anything later on. My system still "crashes horribly." Now I'm stumped. I know that changing scsi0= to scsi7= should not make things better because in my other plan9.ini files, I use scsi0= and all works well there. Okay, so by this time I was grabbing for straws... I would appreciate any and all help that anyone may be able to give. I have gone through the FAQs and news group but to no avail. Frustrated, J. C. Bagley SYSTEM: DELL Pentium 120MHz with 32Mb of RAM Adaptec 1542 series SCSI adapter One internal Seagate 1Gb drive (used for DOS, Win95, and C:\PLAN9) One external CORE 1Gb drive fully partitioned for Plan9 One internal CD-ROM 17" IBM 17P Monitor (supports up tp 1280x1024) Ethernet 3C509 card Two button mouse SCSI 0: Seagate SCSI 1: CORE SCSI 2-4: NONE SCSI 5: CD-ROM SCSI 6: NONE SCSI 7: Adaptec SCSI adapter PLAN9.INI on boot diskette ether0=type=3C509 mouseport=ps2 monitor=vga vgasize=800x600x1 scsi0=type=aha1542 port=0x330 cdrom0=type=panasonic port0x230 console=cga bootfile=fd!0!9pcfs _________________________________________________________________ J. C. Bagley | Room: R4471 SAS Institute, Inc. | Email Address: SAS Campus Drive | Phone: (919) 677-8000 x3867 Cary, NC 27513 | FAX: (919) 677-4444 _________________________________________________________________ -- _________________________________________________________________ J. C. Bagley | Room: R4471 SAS Institute, Inc. | Email Address: SAS Campus Drive | Phone: (919) 677-8000 x3867 Cary, NC 27513 | FAX: (919) 677-4444 _________________________________________________________________