How can I tell 9term to use my Unicode font etl16-unicode.bdf¹? I am using 9term 1.6.5 of 1995-11-28 which I believe is the latest release. When I start 9term without any -p9font it uses some default font and I only get to see the ISO-8859-1 characters. When I start it with xset fp+ /usr/plan9/Xg/bdf/ 9term -p9font /usr/plan9/Xg/lucm/unicode.9.font & I get to see a lot more Unicode characters from Bigelow & Holmes' Lucida Sans Unicode font like Cyrillic and many symbols. But when I create my own etl.9.font with the content 18 14 0x0000 0xffff -ETL-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--16-160-72-72-C-80-ISO10646-1 9term -p9font etl.9.font opens a white window but dies immediately with a SIGSEGV segmentation fault :( So does wily which also uses Rob Pike's libXg. Any idea what I might be doing wrong? Gratefully, Roman ¹) etl16-unicode.bdf can be found in