Dont knock the paper clip - just the implementation
The people who designed it ( at Microsoft Research ) are seriously excellent Bayesan statisticians who names i have forgotten ( apologies ). The problem for the marketroids was that it didnt appear often enough for them to sell it as a feature so they took all the careful tuned parameters and wound them up to 11 creating the monster we have today.

On 6/8/06, ems <> wrote:
On Wed, 2006-06-07 at 21:51 -0600, Ronald G Minnich wrote:
> What if you had a window manager that could be recursive? that would set
> it up so you can name windows by a path name? that would let you treat
> the recursive desktops -- to any level -- as just another window? that
> would trivially allow you to connect mouse clicks in a window to control
> actions for one or more other windows (i.e. you could logically group
> windows and then control all of them via mouse clicks)? That would maybe
> let you easily connect output from a process in one window to another?
> that would let you build little widgets that  could easily control other
> windows? That would let you display all window state in another window?
> That would let you set, say, all windows with a browser with the label
> abaco-### (### a number), with a simple text command; and let you find
> all windows with the label abaco.* with, in the limit, a grep? That
> would make it easy to group all windows with the label 'abaco.*' so that
> you could say 'hide all abaco' with a simple script?

| It looks like you're |
| playing with rio.    |
|                      |
| Would you like help? |
|                      |
| * Get help with      |
|   hiding windows     |
|                      |
| * Just hide the      |
|   windows without    |
|   help               |
| _                    |
||_| Don't show me     |
|    this tip again    |
|______  ______________|
       \ |

Sorry, I couldn't help myself. (BTW, is there ACSII Glenda anywhere?)