that's not too bad. i fancy that the big difference i was seeing might have been to do with the fact that i was creating (or destroying) tens of thousands of tiny files, whereas your example contains only three. also, isn't gzip somewhat more compute-intensive than gunzip, in which case maybe what you were doing was more cpu-bound? one example: linux% time rm -r mozilla real 0m3.621s user 0m0.090s sys 0m1.180s linux% an equivalent under fossil, removing only half that number of files took more than 5 minutes. another: linux% ls -l *.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 rog rog 32686249 Jan 26 20:54 firefox.tar.bz2 linux% time sh -c 'bunzip2 < firefox.tar.bz2 | dd 'bs=512k' | tar xf -' real 1m23.266s user 0m36.600s sys 0m5.050s linux% (the big blocksize dd is there to try and reduce disk contention between the bunzip process and the tar write). when i did this using fossil i killed it after an hour had passed. thanks for pointing out the dma/rwm - i hadn't in fact enabled these when network booting. however, even after enabling them, it still going to take 20-40 minutes (estimate varies a bit) it might very well be my slow disk, but i'd like to hear how other people's systems compare. i wonder if perhaps the rather complex fossil/venti directory structure might be slowing things down? also, my fossil cache size is 2000 blocks. i would imagine this'd be sufficient to cache parent-directory meta data, but perhaps i'm wrong.