I can't see what you might have done wrong. That routing table looks fine to me. The gateway is correct though the '-' at the end means that the default entry has never been chosen as a route. It is normally the next hop interface for route. It gets filled in whenever the route is chosen for a packet; it's a cache to avoid the interface lookup every time. Did you cat this out before trying to connect to something off of the 10 net? If this table was after failing to connect to an off LAN system, then it means that it couldn't find an interface when you tried to connect. That I really don't understand. What's the output of 'netstat -i'? Something you can do. 1) open a window, set it scrolling echo set ip > /net/log cat /net/log 2) open another window, set it scrolling snoopy 3) open yet another window tcp!!80 If that doesn't immediately tell you something, send me all the output.