I'ld tend to agree with this. Kfs for us is primarily a toy that we use only on a few standalone systems that we'ld never type allow on. All of our other systems are 'file system'-less. Hostowner controls local resources and, as such, is a superuser for that box. To a lesser extent, it can be a superuser to a larger domain since the authentication server will allow some id's to 'speak for' other id's when connecting to resources. I'm currently toying with a complete public key based system that doesn't even have this speaks for relation so that there is no super-user. This arrangement makes a lot of things nicer but makes somethings more awkward. For example, I can have a hostagent running on my terminal that brokers all authentication for my processes, even ones on cpu servers. However, when making calls out from a cpu server, I still have to trust the owner of that cpu server to be running a system that does what my processes ask it to. Hence, I'm trusting the host owner making him a super-user of sorts. However, the sphere of trust can be much more arbitrariy and egocentric and I like that. Cron in such a system becomes much harder. The cron process has to possess some of my private keys in order to do it's job. I could limit its ability by certifying scripts that it runs but that's more work. However, I think I'm going to bite the bullet and do it. I'm much enamoured of Mazieres' SFS. I'ld like to make our authentication mechanism as easy to use.