#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cons.h" enum{ Ehost = 4, }; char *menutext2[] = { "backup", "forward", "reset", "clear", "send", "page", 0 }; char *menutext3[] = { "24x80", "crnl", "nl", "raw", 0 }; /* variables associated with the screen */ int x, y; /* character positions */ char *backp; int backc; int atend; int nbacklines; int xmax, ymax; int blocked; int resize_flag; int pagemode; int olines; int peekc; Menu menu2; Menu menu3; char *histp; char hist[HISTSIZ]; int yscrmin, yscrmax; Image *text; Image *background; Image *bordercol; Image *cursback; Image *red; /* terminal control */ struct ttystate ttystate[2] = { {0, 1}, {0,0} }; int NS; int CW; Consstate *cs; Mouse mouse; int outfd = -1; Biobuf *snarffp = 0; char *host_buf; char *hostp; /* input from host */ int host_bsize = 2*BSIZE; int hostlength; /* amount of input from host */ char echo_input[BSIZE]; char *echop = echo_input; /* characters to echo, after canon */ char sendbuf[BSIZE]; /* hope you can't type ahead more than BSIZE chars */ char *sendp = sendbuf; /* functions */ void initialize(int, char **); void ebegin(int); int waitchar(void); int rcvchar(void); void set_input(char *); void set_host(Event *); void bigscroll(void); void readmenu(void); void eresized(int); void resize(void); void send_interrupt(void); int alnum(int); void escapedump(int,uchar *,int); char *term; struct funckey *fk; int debug; void main(int argc, char **argv) { initialize(argc, argv); emulate(); } void initialize(int argc, char **argv) { int dayglo = 1; rfork(RFENVG|RFNAMEG|RFNOTEG); term = "vt100"; fk = vt100fk; ARGBEGIN{ case '2': term = "vt220"; fk = vt220fk; break; case 's': /* for sape */ dayglo = 0; break; }ARGEND; host_buf = malloc(host_bsize); hostp = host_buf; hostlength = 0; if(initdraw(0,0,term) < 0){ fprint(2, "%s: initdraw failed: %r\n", term); exits("initdraw"); } ebegin(Ehost); histp = hist; menu2.item = menutext2; menu3.item = menutext3; pagemode = 0; blocked = 0; NS = font->height ; CW = stringwidth(font, "m"); text = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, dayglo?0x00F0F0F0:0); background = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, dayglo?0x33333333:-1); bordercol = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), screen->chan, 1, 0xCCCCCCCC); cursback = allocimage(display, Rect(0, 0, CW+1, NS+1), screen->chan, 0, DNofill); red = allocimage(display, Rect(0, 0, CW+1, NS+1), screen->chan, 1, DRed); eresized(0); if(argc > 0) { sendnchars(strlen(argv[0]),argv[0]); sendnchars(1,"\n"); } } void clear(Rectangle r) { draw(screen, r, background, nil, ZP); } void newline(void) { nbacklines--; if(y >= yscrmax) { y = yscrmax; if(pagemode && olines >= yscrmax) { blocked = 1; return; } scroll(yscrmin+1, yscrmax+1, yscrmin, yscrmax); } else y++; olines++; } void curson(int bl) { Image *col; draw(cursback, cursback->r, screen, nil, subpt(pt(x, y),Pt(1,1))); if(bl) col = red; else col = bordercol; border(screen, Rpt(subpt(pt(x, y), Pt(1, 1)), addpt(pt(x, y), Pt(CW,NS))), 2, col, ZP); } void cursoff(void) { draw(screen, Rpt(subpt(pt(x, y), Pt(1, 1)), addpt(pt(x, y), Pt(CW,NS))), cursback, nil, cursback->r.min); } int get_next_char(void) { int c = peekc; peekc = 0; if(c > 0) return(c); while(c <= 0) { if(backp) { c = *backp; if(c && nbacklines >= 0) { backp++; if(backp >= &hist[HISTSIZ]) backp = hist; return(c); } backp = 0; } c = waitchar(); } *histp++ = c; if(histp >= &hist[HISTSIZ]) histp = hist; *histp = '\0'; return(c); } int canon(char *ep, int c) { if(c&0200) return(SCROLL); switch(c) { case '\b': if(sendp > sendbuf) sendp--; *ep++ = '\b'; *ep++ = ' '; *ep++ = '\b'; break; case 0x15: /* ^U line kill */ sendp = sendbuf; *ep++ = '^'; *ep++ = 'U'; *ep++ = '\n'; break; case 0x17: /* ^W word kill */ while(sendp > sendbuf && !alnum(*sendp)) { *ep++ = '\b'; *ep++ = ' '; *ep++ = '\b'; sendp--; } while(sendp > sendbuf && alnum(*sendp)) { *ep++ = '\b'; *ep++ = ' '; *ep++ = '\b'; sendp--; } break; case '\177': /* interrupt */ sendp = sendbuf; send_interrupt(); return(NEWLINE); case '\021': /* quit */ case '\r': case '\n': if(sendp < &sendbuf[512]) *sendp++ = '\n'; sendnchars((int)(sendp-sendbuf), sendbuf); sendp = sendbuf; if(c == '\n' || c == '\r') { *ep++ = '\n'; } *ep = 0; return(NEWLINE); case '\004': /* EOT */ if(sendp == sendbuf) { sendnchars(0,sendbuf); *ep = 0; return(NEWLINE); } /* fall through */ default: if(sendp < &sendbuf[512]) *sendp++ = c; *ep++ = c; break; } *ep = 0; return(OTHER); } void sendfk(char *name) { int i; static int fd; for(i=0; fk[i].name; i++) if(strcmp(name, fk[i].name)==0){ sendnchars2(strlen(fk[i].sequence), fk[i].sequence); return; } } int waitchar(void) { Event e; int c; char c2; int newmouse; int wasblocked; int kbdchar = -1; char echobuf[3*BSIZE]; static int lastc = -1; for(;;) { if(resize_flag) resize(); wasblocked = blocked; if(backp) return(0); if(ecanmouse() && (button2() || button3())) readmenu(); if(snarffp) { if((c = Bgetc(snarffp)) < 0) { if(lastc != '\n') write(outfd,"\n",1); Bterm(snarffp); snarffp = 0; if(lastc != '\n') { lastc = -1; return('\n'); } lastc = -1; continue; } lastc = c; c2 = c; write(outfd, &c2, 1); return(c); } if(!blocked && host_avail()) return(rcvchar()); if(kbdchar > 0) { if(blocked) resize(); if(cs->raw) { switch(kbdchar){ case Kup: sendfk("up key"); break; case Kdown: sendfk("down key"); break; case Kleft: sendfk("left key"); break; case Kright: sendfk("right key"); break; default: echobuf[0] = kbdchar; sendnchars(1, echobuf); break; } } else if(canon(echobuf,kbdchar) == SCROLL) { if(!blocked) bigscroll(); } else strcat(echo_input,echobuf); blocked = 0; kbdchar = -1; continue; } curson(wasblocked); /* turn on cursor while we're waiting */ do { newmouse = 0; switch(eread(blocked ? Emouse|Ekeyboard : Emouse|Ekeyboard|Ehost, &e)) { case Emouse: mouse = e.mouse; if(button2() || button3()) readmenu(); else if(resize_flag == 0) { /* eresized() is triggered by special mouse event */ newmouse = 1; } break; case Ekeyboard: kbdchar = e.kbdc; break; case Ehost: set_host(&e); break; default: perror("protocol violation"); exits("protocol violation"); } } while(newmouse == 1); cursoff(); /* turn cursor back off */ } return 1; /* to shut up compiler */ } void eresized(int new) { resize_flag = 1+new; } void exportsize(void) { int fd; char buf[10]; if((fd = create("/env/LINES", OWRITE, 0644)) > 0) { sprint(buf,"%d",ymax+1); write(fd,buf,strlen(buf)); close(fd); } if((fd = create("/env/COLS", OWRITE, 0644)) > 0) { sprint(buf,"%d",xmax+1); write(fd,buf,strlen(buf)); close(fd); } if((fd = create("/env/TERM", OWRITE, 0644)) > 0) { fprint(fd, "%s", term); close(fd); } } void resize(void) { if(resize_flag > 1 && getwindow(display, Refnone) < 0){ fprint(2, "can't reattach to window: %r\n"); exits("can't reattach to window"); } xmax = (Dx(screen->r)-2*XMARGIN)/CW-1; ymax = (Dy(screen->r)-2*YMARGIN)/NS-1; if(xmax == 0 || ymax == 0) exits("window gone"); x = 0; y = 0; yscrmin = 0; yscrmax = ymax; olines = 0; exportsize(); clear(screen->r); resize_flag = 0; } void readmenu(void) { Rectangle r; int fd; if(button3()) { menu3.item[1] = ttystate[cs->raw].crnl ? "cr" : "crnl"; menu3.item[2] = ttystate[cs->raw].nlcr ? "nl" : "nlcr"; menu3.item[3] = cs->raw ? "cooked" : "raw"; switch(emenuhit(3, &mouse, &menu3)) { case 0: /* 24x80 */ r.min = screen->r.min; r.max = addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(80*CW+2*XMARGIN+2*INSET, 24*NS+2*YMARGIN+2*INSET)); fd = open("/dev/wctl", OWRITE); if(fd < 0 || fprint(fd, "resize -dx %d -dy %d\n", Dx(r)+2*Borderwidth, Dy(r)+2*Borderwidth) < 0){ border(screen, r, INSET, bordercol, ZP); xmax = 79; ymax = 23; exportsize(); } if(fd >= 0) close(fd); return; case 1: /* newline after cr? */ ttystate[cs->raw].crnl = !ttystate[cs->raw].crnl; return; case 2: /* cr after newline? */ ttystate[cs->raw].nlcr = !ttystate[cs->raw].nlcr; return; case 3: /* switch raw mode */ cs->raw = !cs->raw; return; } return; } menu2.item[5] = pagemode? "scroll": "page"; switch(emenuhit(2, &mouse, &menu2)) { case 0: /* back up */ if(atend == 0) { backc++; backup(backc); } return; case 1: /* move forward */ backc--; if(backc >= 0) backup(backc); else backc = 0; return; case 2: /* reset */ backc = 0; backup(0); return; case 3: /* clear screen */ eresized(0); return; case 4: /* send the snarf buffer */ snarffp = Bopen("/dev/snarf",OREAD); return; case 5: /* pause and clear at end of screen */ pagemode = 1-pagemode; if(blocked && !pagemode) { eresized(0); blocked = 0; } return; } } void backup(int count) { register n; register char *cp; eresized(0); n = 3*(count+1)*ymax/4; cp = histp; atend = 0; while (n >= 0) { cp--; if(cp < hist) cp = &hist[HISTSIZ-1]; if(*cp == '\0') { atend = 1; break; } if(*cp == '\n') n--; } cp++; if(cp >= &hist[HISTSIZ]) cp = hist; backp = cp; nbacklines = ymax-2; } Point pt(int x, int y) { return addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(x*CW+XMARGIN,y*NS+YMARGIN)); } void scroll(int sy, int ly, int dy, int cy) /* source, limit, dest, which line to clear */ { draw(screen, Rpt(pt(0, dy), pt(xmax+1, dy+ly-sy)), screen, nil, pt(0, sy)); clear(Rpt(pt(0, cy), pt(xmax+1, cy+1))); } void bigscroll(void) /* scroll up half a page */ { int half = ymax/3; if(x == 0 && y == 0) return; if(y < half) { clear(Rpt(pt(0,0),pt(xmax+1,ymax+1))); x = y = 0; return; } draw(screen, Rpt(pt(0, 0), pt(xmax+1, ymax+1)), screen, nil, pt(0, half)); clear(Rpt(pt(0,y-half+1),pt(xmax+1,ymax+1))); y -= half; if(olines) olines -= half; } int number(char *p) { int c, n = 0; while ((c = get_next_char()) >= '0' && c <= '9') n = n*10 + c - '0'; *p = c; return(n); } /* stubs */ void sendnchars(int n,char *p) { sendnchars2(n, p); p[n+1] = 0; } void sendnchars2(int n,char *p) { if(write(outfd,p,n) < 0) { close(outfd); close(0); close(1); close(2); exits("write"); } } int host_avail(void) { return(*echop || ((hostp - host_buf) < hostlength)); } int rcvchar(void) { int c; if(*echop) { c = *echop++; if(!*echop) { echop = echo_input; *echop = 0; } return c; } return *hostp++; } void set_host(Event *e) { hostlength = e->n; if(hostlength > host_bsize) { host_bsize *= 2; host_buf = realloc(host_buf,host_bsize); } hostp = host_buf; memmove(host_buf,e->data,hostlength); host_buf[hostlength]=0; } void ringbell(void){ } int alnum(int c) { if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return 1; if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return 1; if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') return 1; return 0; } void escapedump(int fd,uchar *str,int len) { int i; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { if((str[i] < ' ' || str[i] > '\177') && str[i] != '\n' && str[i] != '\t') fprint(fd,"^%c",str[i]+64); else if(str[i] == '\177') fprint(fd,"^$"); else if(str[i] == '\n') fprint(fd,"^J\n"); else fprint(fd,"%c",str[i]); } } void funckey(int key) { if(key >= NKEYS) return; if(fk[key].name == 0) return; sendnchars2(strlen(fk[key].sequence), fk[key].sequence); } void drawstring(Point p, char *str, int standout) { Image *txt, *bg; txt = text; bg = background; if(standout){ txt = background; bg = text; } draw(screen, Rpt(p, addpt(p, stringsize(font, str))), bg, nil, p); string(screen, p, txt, ZP, font, str); }