>I bet they say it takes a lifetime of study, apprenticeship, practice, and >learning, pretty much as it does here. You must have had some negative experience with someone Japanese. I suspect something wrong relation between this mailing-list and Japanese proffesionals of computer science, because I have no reply on my querry on Toshiba's floppy drive, which is very familiar machine here. I got, however, a Japanese book describing "Japanese standard" of floppy drive, and may be able to find something. Anyway, I found more than 40 peoples got my update of Japanese106 keyboard for plan 9 in these several days, which is not neccessary for others who is not running Plan 9. Therefore, I think there are some more people who is running Plan 9 here, even if they may not be any proffesional on computer science, thay may help our future, I believe. Kenji