Hmm, my English has big problem... I have now compressed subfont images for 32 bitts Kanji font, and I can see those by tweak, and which was my test to compare the 16 and 24 bitts fonts between yours and mine. Now, I'm going into next step, ie. to make Kanji subfonts non-multiple of eight, such as 14 dotts, 12 dotts and even 8 dotts. To achieve those, we need an algorism (of course, we can do it only by strong force, too :-)) to pack redundant bitts included in BDF BITMAP lines. For an example, each bitmap of k14.bdf file includes 14 lines as below lines: (those are expressed as hexadecimal number) x000 0000 0000 000x x000 0000 0000 000x .... x000 0000 0000 000x where 'x' bit are the redundant bit, and are always 0. I think we have to eliminate all the redundant 'x' to make 14x14 bit subfont image. Kenji