i like the panning model too, but i don't tend to view very large images. when you've got a large image (many times the size of the area you can see), panning can be a bit of a problem because you can only go a small distance at once. i.e. if i'm at the bottom left of a large image and i want to go to the top right, it might take me 10 or so "click & pan" mouse movements to get there. but for images that size, maybe a different interface is called for anyway. my last job was writing radio propagation prediction software, which involved the viewing of large maps (e.g. the entire of the UK with one height sample every 100m). i once accidentally created quite a nice viewing interface when i set the map to be always centred around the transmitter. normally, you could drag transmitters around with the mouse, and i hadn't yet disabled this, so when i dragged the transmitter, it moved, but the map kept up, giving the nice sensation of flying over the landscape. (as long as i kept wiggling the mouse...) maybe that kind of interface might sit better with the panning that page uses (e.g. middle button "marks the spot", and map keeps panning at a speed proportional to the vector from the spot to the current mouse position). i always find it a little disconcerting that the middle button quits page so abruptly anyway. cheers, rog.