The bitsy screen hardware is oriented in landscape mode, both Wince and Plan 9 use it in portrait mode, 240 wide, 320 high. It has 16-bit color (r5g6b5), although only 12 of those bits make it through to the display. We have a keyboard/scribble widget that we use for character input. The scribble character set resembles that of the Palm very closely. There are four buttons on the front and one on the side that we have programmed to be mouse buttons 2 through 6. The rocker pad sends arrow keys to /dev/cons. Button chording is is not possible because the button hardware doesn't provide for it. The pen normally generates button 1 events, but, when any of the other buttons are depressed, it generates events on the associated button. /dev/audio works, but we've found that our code for volume control doesn't work on several of the bitsies we have. So anyone out there with Plan 9 on a bitsy, please try out your volume control (echo -n audio out nn >/dev/volume, where nn is between 0 and 100) and ley me know if it works. There is a Plan 9 mp3 jukebox player in the works. We currently have one for a Bell-Labs proprietary compression scheme that we're not allowed to give away. We tried. Sorry. Sape