Oops, that's local configuration that we shouldn't have let slip out. The directory /sys/lib/fax and the command /rc/bin/fax are full of local refrences. This needs a manual. The machine that has the modem attached should be running a telco with the appropriate dev in the command line. For example, out system dinar has the following in it's cpurc: telco -vs 19200 /dev/eia011 & # FAX Then you should have a cron entry that kicks it ever now and then just like for mail. For example, we have in /cron/upas/cron: 5,15,25,35,45,55 * * * * dinar /sys/lib/fax/faxtickle Now edit /rc/bin/fax and everything in /sys/lib/fax to reflect your local environment. Basicly change everything that mentions emelie into a pointer to your file server. If you only have one system, then just remove from /rc/bin/fax the line: rx dinar /sys/lib/fax/faxgoose with upas/runq -t3 /mail/faxoutqueue /sys/lib/fax/faxtry < /dev/null > /dev/null >[2=1] & A bit of a pain all around. We never got around to making this generic and it fell through the cracks in the release. This is part of why releases are hard. We (i.e. Rob) usually have to go over the system with a fine tooth comb to comb out all this local lice.