> I'm wondering if Axel ever solved his problem with the cursor offset. I did not really solve it; in private mail jmk mentioned that he had it working succesfully on a Nokia 446Xpro using the 445x entry in vgadb, so I tried that entry, and the problem went away. I did not look into it further. In case anyone is interested, I attach my original monitor description that triggered the problem. At that time I looked at the driver code, and noticed that it does something with the 'ehb' mode setting -- without understanding what it did, but wondering whether that's related to the problem. Axel. > I too > have a nvidia geforce 256 DDR, and at 1600x1200 the cursor image is displayed > 512 pixels to the left of where it actually is. I "solved" it by putting > "scr->offset.x += 512" in nvidiacurload, but that's obviously not addressing > the real problem. > > Another interesting artifact is that the top line of the cursor is chopped > off. But if the cursor is at the top of the screen, you can see the top line > displaced about 48 pixels to the right. > > None of these problems occur at 1280x1024. Also, my nvidiacurload and > nvidiacurmove look like what jmk posted (I'm running the latest update).